Incase these chips feel that they're going un noticed,
I'd like to make it clear to them that they aren't.
Here's to the small ones:
The dirty looks from the ex-girl friend, who's topped full of assumptions.
The opened text messages with no response back.
The awkward walk (longest route you can find) to third period because second period is too close.
The heartache of seeing someone who was never mine with her.
The boy who talks about my friend the way I wished he talked about me.
The bad relationship with my dad.
The person I can't love.
The relationships with friends that somewhere went wrong.
The sarcastic comments, that I've held on to for far too long.
(because they really aren't that funny.)
So, to the chips in my brick, You are noticed.
And your "small" chips they're adding up,
They're getting larger by the second.