Sunday, November 2, 2014

still remembers.

she paints her nails dark, to match her mood. 

"Death is a tragic thing" she thinks to herself. 

she remembers...

She remembers the day she found out.

She thinks about the rounds and rounds of chemo that were supposedly helping.
but mostly just hurting....
Because they failed to mention that a side effect of chemo is 
change in personality. 

The words "3-6 months" play out in her head. 

She feels lucky that she got 8 months more than expected. 

She remembers the hugs getting shorter.

She's reminded of the smell of hospital rooms. 

She remembers lying awake wondering

She remembers getting the accidental text supposed to go to her mom, saying
 "I'm so sorry to hear that he passed away."

Its been two years now. 

And she still remembers. 


  1. chills. and this is all too relevant right now #chemo

  2. Chemo makes it hard to watch a loved one :(

  3. Great opening line.

  4. "The Words "3-6" monts played out in her head." gave me shivers

  5. This was hard to read. But in a good way. It hurt my heart.

  6. deep and real. that's how it's done.
